Who Are We

We are a people who had found ourselves entangled in the grips of addiction. An addiction to a criminal and gang lifestyle. An addiction to alcohol and all forms of legal or illegal substances. Or simply addicted to self righteous entitlements. We are a people who had to have it our way.

We, together, with the same or similar experiences and beliefs, share with those who are still struggling with their addiction to destructive habits or a criminal lifestyle. We sacrifice our own time, compassion, and money to support each other through our journey to restoration and recovery.

When two or more are present we are a people under divine guidance and instruction as we are a Christ centered recovery group. We come together for each other because we understand and relate with each other. Others make honest attempts to understand the demands or consequences of a lifestyle that consumes our soul but, can never relate to the depths of our evil or insanity.

We are a people who are surrendered and committed to change and doing all that is required and necessary to repair the destruction of our lives; restore what we are able to salvage from our damaged or destroyed relationships; and go on with our lives serving where we are called to live a Life With Purpose.