Mission Statement

To live a life without a purpose is a life not lived at all. It is a life succumbing to aleatory altering of one’s path, shifted by every wind and wave, creating instability around every turn in one’s life. As a result, one can often find themselves in some fashion of disparagement, distress, depression, and/or addiction.

We have found that there is hope for someone who is simply willing to admit that alone without God life becomes unmanageable, intolerable, and at the very least difficult. No matter the habit, hurt, hang-up, or addiction, we can overcome anything with God that will indeed give us the strength to do so.

Here at Life with Purpose, our mission is to express the love of Jesus Christ and His will for those who are trying to recover from a destructive lifestyle. We hope to destroy misrepresentations of Jesus Christ by revealing Him through spiritual principles, shared experiences, and assisting with immediate needs.

We educate on the devastating impacts our criminal lifestyle has had on ourselves and others and assist in reinforcing empathy, humility, and an honest character. Confronting our fears, pain, and guilt is key for us to experience healing brought through this process. Examining ourselves is sometimes our greatest challenge because we often stop there. However, change happens when we decide to push on and do the work necessary. Thankfully this has been done by so many, which is why we believe that change is possible for anyone who desires it. This is the hope we share. We share our experiences with one another to help each other understand that our challenges are not unique to ourselves only.

Life With Purpose is a community environment that utilizes a seven-step process of recovery from addictions to a criminal, gang, or substance abusing lifestyle. We promote the cultivation of emotional self-awareness and regulation for those who have committed harm; ready for transformation and practice living amends through accountability and service. Our ultimate goal is to help others discover for themselves the love of Christ and the purpose in which He has called us to live…